
Scientist discovered fluffy and light planet as cotton candy

Scientist discovered fluffy and light planet as cotton candy

Whenever a planet is mentioned, a heavy rocky structure comes to mind. But this time scientists have discovered an exoplanet, which is soft and light. According to a report, scientists have compared it to cotton candy. Exoplanets are those planets that revolve around some other star, not our Sun. The name of the exoplanet is WASP-193 b. It is about 1.5 times the width of Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system, but its mass is one-tenth that of Jupiter.

This is the reason why WASP-193 b is being called the second lightest planet in terms of exoplanets. Scientists have discovered more than 5400 exoplanets so far. The lightest exoplanet is called Kepler 51 d.

Talking about WASP-193 b, it is located about 1200 light years away from our Earth. It orbits its star at a distance of about 6.3 million miles. It takes 6.2 Earth days to complete one revolution around its sun.

This discovery is going to be an exciting one for scientists. They will be more eager to explore planets outside the solar system. Who knows, someday we might even find a planet where there is a possibility of life. Khalid Barkaoui, a scientist at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and co-leader of the team that carried out this discovery, said in a statement that it is rare to find giant planets with such low density. You can also call it a bloated Jupiter. However, it is a mystery as to what it actually is.

The team of scientists discovered WASP-193 using the Wide Angle Search for Planets (WASP) system. WASP is made up of two robotic observatories and telescope arrays. One observatory is in the northern hemisphere and the other in the southern hemisphere. This research was published in the journal Nature Astronomy. Publish It has happened.

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