
LUNARSABER Project Scientists developing streetlights for the moon will be higher than Qutub Minar

LUNARSABER Project Scientists developing streetlights for the moon will be higher than Qutub Minar

Streetlight on Moon: Space agencies from all over the world are exploring the moon. From America to China, Russia and India, all have landed their missions there. Now the preparations are on to send humans to the moon and prepare a permanent setup there. Scientists want to build human settlements, train systems, nuclear reactors etc. on the moon. However, before doing anything like this, they will need light. Actually, the moon does not have 24-hour days and nights like the earth. One day there is equal to two weeks on earth. When it is night on the moon, it is also long and freezing.

If humans go to stay on the moon for a long time, they will have to make arrangements for lighting. According to a Live Science report, space technology company Honeybee Robotics, which is a part of Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin, has found a solution to survive the dark nights of the moon. The company is talking about lunar street lamps, which will also work as solar batteries.

The name of this project is LUNARSABER. Its full form is- Lunar Utility Navigation with Advanced Remote Sensing and Autonomous Beaming for Energy Redistribution. The project is being funded by an agency of the US government. Its promotional video has surfaced, which shows that the project is on its pace.

According to Vishnu Sangepalli, the principal investigator of the project, each LunarSaber lamp to be installed on the moon will be taller than the street lights on the earth. It will be 100 meters tall, which is even taller than the Statue of Liberty.

As long as there is day on the moon, the Lunarsaber lamps will keep storing the sunlight. Then when the nights get darker on the moon, they will start glowing and will give light to the surrounding area for many days. The question arises that why the height of the Lunarsaber lamp has been kept high. The reason for this is the craters of the moon. The area there is not flat like our earth. There are many small and big craters on the moon. Due to the high height of the Lunarsaber lamp, its light will cover more area and scientists will be able to keep an eye on those craters as well.

Another question that arises is how will humans take such a huge structure to the moon. Scientists have made preparations for this as well. Honeybee Engineers have designed an automatic system. With this, each Lunarbaser tower can rise up on the moon on its own. Only one base will be carried in the spacecraft from the earth. The entire tower will be inside it, which will stand up on its own after reaching the moon.

This project is still in its initial stages. If projects like LUNARSABER are successful, the nights on the moon will be brightened.

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