Scientist find Super Jupiter close to earth 12 Light Years Away

universe may have mysterious life before big bang new study suggests
Universe Big Bang: When did our universe begin? Till now scientists have believed that the…

Tsunami without earthquake scared 5000km Greenland incident shocked scientists
Many incidents have told us how dangerous a tsunami is after an earthquake. Japan is…

Scientists threw a star into a black hole in an experiment what happened know
New Study: Throwing a star into a black hole is not physically possible. If this…

Scientist achieved 402 Tbps fiber internet speed 16 lakh times faster to Mbps
What is Tbps: The speed of the broadband installed in your and our homes currently…

Scientist discovered fluffy and light planet as cotton candy
Whenever a planet is mentioned, a heavy rocky structure comes to mind. But this time…

World oldest dinosaur 233 millions old fossil found in brazil
World oldest dinosaur: Scientists have discovered the remains of the world's 'oldest' dinosaur. Its age…