
Dinosaur Killing Asteroid Formed Beyond Jupiter Orbit Say Scientists

Dinosaur Killing Asteroid Formed Beyond Jupiter Orbit Say Scientists

Millions of years ago, giant creatures like dinosaurs used to roam the earth. It is said that a huge asteroid that came from space collided with the earth and caused destruction in a large part of the earth. During this collision, dinosaurs were wiped out from the earth.

Now scientists have made a shocking estimate about this asteroid. Scientists say that the asteroid that hit the Earth was born even beyond the orbit of Jupiter. That is, that asteroid was not an asteroid from around the Earth. It came into the solar system from a distance of millions of kilometers. Report According to a recent discovery published in the journal Science, scientists have made a big revelation about the asteroid that hit the Earth 66 million years ago. This asteroid was born beyond Jupiter’s orbit. It has also been confirmed that it was not a comet.

This asteroid fell in Chicxulub, which is currently present in Mexico as the Yucatan Peninsula. Scientists are saying that new research about this place can tell what effect the celestial bodies hitting the Earth would have had on the planet. The lead author of the study, Mario Fischer Godde, says that he can say with confidence that this asteroid must have originated even beyond the orbit of Jupiter. The author says that such information will help in further understanding how water would have come to Earth.

The basis of this claim of scientists is the analysis of sediment samples formed in the period between the Cretaceous and Paleogene eras. This was the time when the impact of the asteroid collision was present on the Earth. For this, scientists have done research on an element called ruthenium. This element is very rare on Earth, but it is very common to find this element in asteroids. After studying many geological layers in Chicxulub, it was found that the ruthenium present here has come 100 percent from an asteroid.

The study claims that the asteroid impact caused a massive earthquake on Earth that led to an ice age across the Earth and wiped out the dinosaurs along with many other forms of life. This was caused by a C-type asteroid that came from beyond Jupiter.

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